Are you ready for the STEPS?It is the beginning of a new year, people are motivated to work on themselves, make the changes they believe they are ready to make, and...
"Service Work" by: A. H. I’ve been experiencing jealously lately, because I’ve seen examples of my workplace recognizing males in high visibility ways. My...
"My Relationship with Recovery" by: Kimberly SprintzI spend a great deal of time learning about healthy relationships, the core components that make a relationship healthy vs. the all too...
"Working Step Seven" by: Marie B.Step Seven: “Humbly asked our Higher Power to remove our shortcomings.” These few words are quite powerful in releasing the burden of our...
"Gratitude...How It Helps My Recovery" by: Kimberly SprintzI am not about to sit here and tell you that everyday is gonna be filled with awesome sauce and that toxic positivity is the way to move...