I need a sponsor; how do I find one?
How Do I Find a Sponsor? We find sponsors at zoom meetings or in-person meetings, retreats, or other recovery events, and we attend meetings and listen to others share their recovery. If we relate, we can ask the person if they are available for sponsorship.
How Do you Find The Right One? As we listen to individuals share their experience, strength, and hope with us during the meeting, you will discover those you relate with. Perhaps you see them in their recovery and leading the healthy lifestyle you want. Maybe someone has shared their history, and you resonate with them on that level. The AH HA moment will reveal whom you should ask, and trusting our instinct is essential for us. In our recovery, we learn to ASK for what we need or want and rely on our ability to do so. If you are ready to work the program, this step will ensure you are making yourself vulnerable and taking a risk by asking someone if they are available to sponsor. We ask Sponsors to supply their information at the meetings on the CHAT, but not everyone will do so, and that is OK because we do not govern. We can merely state the need and ask for volunteers.
What Do We Do First? We ask for the person’s telephone number and questions about the program. We will see if we are comfortable talking with that person on the telephone or via zoom. We can talk about what sponsorship includes and what it does not include. It usually consists of the availability of time to do Step work.
Do I Have Options? We might talk about a trial period to see if it works out in some cases. We can commit to a trial period of four to six weeks to see how it goes. At the end of the period, we revisit the agreement.
How Do I Know If They Are The One? As we talk with a potential sponsor, we get a sense of compatibility but avoid notions of perfectionism or the perfect match as long as the person is committed to recovery and helping others.
When Should I Get a Sponsor? Newcomers are encouraged to get a sponsor when they are ready to do their steps, and Oldtimers without sponsors are also encouraged to get a new perspective on their process from a peer sponsor. The goal is accountability and checking in with others in the program after completing your initial steps as a newcomer. Oldtimers continue to work on the program and their steps since our steps are never formally done. Recovery is a process, NOT a destination. We must commit to ourselves and work our 12th step as sponsors if we can do so. Our members need support, and we help secure the health of our community by stepping up and doing the work with a sponsee. The sponsee and sponsor learn and grow from the process, which is mutually beneficial.